Our Rules
To maintain social harmony and teach our students respect for rules and other people, we have developed a series of rules made to be applied when entering the school.
Our Students Must:
Treat all members with courtesy.
Respect and obey their parents, master, instructors, and seniors.
Use the word “Sir” or “Ma’am” when speaking to the instructor in class.
When waiting to talk to an instructor or senior, stand at attention and keep alert until they are ready.
Not argue or raise objections in the Do-Jang.
Do not leave the Do-Jang without permission of the instructor.
Any visitor should be introduced to the class upon entering the Do-Jang.
Come to class on time and attend classes regularly.
Shoes must be removed before entering the Do-Jang.
Eating, drinking, and smoking are not permitted inside the Do-Jang.
Keep the do-Jang clean.
Junior students are to set up and tidy up before and after training. Senior members shall supervise.
Wear the uniform correctly when attending all classes and testing.
Do not use any jewelry unless it is for religious use.
Yellow/Green belt and higher must have their own sparring equipment.
Parents and students must not interfere with the procedures of a class or test.
Pay the tuition on time.